Student Health Services
All newly admitted full time students health forms are due by August 1.
Mitigating the Risk of COVID-19 and Respiratory Illnesses
- Find a test location.
- The CDC recommends the following for preventing the spread of respiratory viruses, please click the link for information on how to manage symptoms.
- Persons with a recent confirmed exposure should wear a well-fitting mask for 10 days when indoors and should receive testing at day five or greater after exposure and sooner if symptomatic: regardless of vaccination status.
Managing COVID-19 and Respiratory Illnesses
- People who test positive for COVID-19 or influenza should follow the CDC recommendations on Covid 19/Respiratory illness guidance. • You should stay away from others until at least 24 hours without a fever (without using a fever reducing medication) and 24 hours after your symptoms are improving. • For 5 additional days, you should consider added precautions such as frequent hand washing, use of masks, physical distancing, and steps for cleaner air.
- Students should contact Student Outreach and Support at for assistance with notification to instructors regarding an extended absence of a week or more due to extenuating circumstances (medical, death in immediate family, etc.). This notification serves as a verification of extenuating circumstances; all decisions about excused absences and makeup work are made at the discretion of the instructor.
Parking for Student Health Services Patients
Failure to follow time restrictions on parking (for the duration of the appointment only) will result in the vehicle being towed at the student's expense.
Student Health Services is offering self-scheduling flu appointments for students. Schedule an appointment using the online Monarch Wellness Portal or call 757-683-3132.
Health records and immunization documents can be uploaded through the Monarch Wellness Portal (preferred method) or mailed to:
Old Dominion University Student Health Services
4700 Powhatan Avenue, Suite 1402
Norfolk, VA. 23529